Our Approach

Our approach is different than other hospital treatment. Our vision is to transform our patients’ health through diet, medically monitor them during this process. Naturally.

We start with a thorough history and then we proceed with blood tests. After your results are back then, we would make a diet plan for you. Since learning how to incorporate these changes into your life takes time and practice, our approach consists of several visits over the course of your treatment. We know that learning to be healthier is a journey, and we aim to support you at every stage of that journey.

Our vision is to transform our patients’ health through diet, medically monitor them during this process. Naturally, this is a highly individualized process, and will vary greatly depending on whether or not you have any pre-existing illnesses.

If you take medications, especially those for blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol, changing your diet may have an impact on your need for these medications. Our doctors are experts at fine tuning your medications while you adjust your diet. While we aim to have you on as few drugs as possible, some individuals will continue to need medications for their particular medical situation

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